யுனைட்டட்   ராயல்   க்ளன்ஸ்

  ராயல்  செம்பநாடு   மறவர்   டிரஸ்ட்

His Royal Highness MahaRajah Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avargal  The noble king of Sivaganga Kingdom

Raghuvanshi of Wodaya Dynasty from the powerful feudal joint family of Gauri Vallabha, Kshatriya Vaduga warrior tribe of Royal Sembanad Marva in blood line of Sitrama branch Sri Mathu Muthu Vijaya Ragunatha Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl, the third Raja of Sivaganga Zamindari. He was the last full owner, who established the feudal hereditary real property title of “Raja’ to the impartible estate of Sivaganga by the final Court of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council, under the King’s Court administration. The hereditary succession between the five natural lines of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar and the brothers do have the right of inheritance said by the lordships of Privy Council in the case of Impartible Estate of Sivaganga and Padamathur. The first natural line was obstructed and intermediately continued by the members in line of adoption, put into the possession of the order of the collector and not by the Judicial decision. Followed by his three representatives and managers called time beings. He was the root and the common ancestor to the existing feudal joint family of Sivaganga. Sivaganga Zamindari was the continuation of the Kingdom of Sivaganga that belongs to the Raja’s of Sivaganga, Warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava. The Sovereign Kingdom of Sivaganga was created by His Royal Majesty Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar. This feudal joint family estate tail runs in accordance with their family custom of their family operations under the doctrine of representation tied with the doctrine of preference. 

At the end of 1800, extinct of lineal heir to Raja Sasivarna Tevar all sovereign power over the Kingdom of Shivaganga was cease to have exist by the Treaty of the 12th of July, 1792. The feudal powers were put to an end. The Kingdom was modified into Zamindari. All the feudal assets of the Kingdom of Sivaganga put into the feudal hereditary real property title of “Raja” under the Sannad of 1801 by a proclamation of Lord Clive, dated the 6th of July, 1801 the original proprietor was His Royal Majesty Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar, the continuation of the feudal assets of Kingdom of Sivaganga vested under the Sannad Milkeat Istimrar or deed of permanent settlement dated 22nd of April 1803 extinct of lineal heir to Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar,his collateral heir the younger Prince of Padamathur named Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Peria Wodayana Tevar was installed as first Zamindar of Sivaganga, known as Istimrar Zamindar of Sivaganga, put into possession of Shivaganga Zamindari to hold as an ordinary Zamindari with the absence of feudal powers and no rule of descent proclaimed on it. Sivaganga Zamindari was controlled by Madras land Regulation Act XXV.

His Royal Highness Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Peria Wodayana Tevar was the Sanad holder and the feudal hereditary real property title holder of “Raja” extinct of male heir to Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Peria Wodayana Tevar, his maternal grandson younger Prince of Nallkotta named Dorasinga Tevar alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar succeeded as a heir to his maternal grandfather Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Peria Wodayana Tevar. In contest arose between the two maternal grandsons of Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Peria Wodayana Tevar named Prince Dorasinga Tevar alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar son of elder daughter Princess Vella Nachiar and another maternal grandson named Prince Muthuvaduganatha Tevar, son of younger daughter Her Royal Highness Rani Kattama Nachiar. The lordships negatived the partition by called Sivaganga Zamindari as Impartible Estate of Sivaganga and Prince Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar obtained as per capita under daughter's sons succession by eject the other maternal grandson from the feudal joint family of Sivaganga. Maharaja Dorasinga Tevar alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar became the full owner under the ordinary Hindu law by established the feudal hereditary real property title of Raja in collateral heir succession by adverse the feudal hereditary real property title of "Raja" from his maternal grandfather Istimrar Zamindar Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Wodayna Tevar as reversion estate.

Maharaja Dorasinga Tevar was the hereditary real property title holder of 'Raja" and last full owner under the real property law. He was the root to the existing joint family of Raja's of Shivaganga and the original zamindar to the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga. His joint family estate was abolished at the time of his third and last representative for time being and the manager named Shanmugaraja in the year 1950 at the Court of the Madras Estates Abolition Tribunal at Madurai under the Madras Estates Abolition Tribunal XXVI of 1948 by the Indian Government for their European idea of Democracy. Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar Avargal was declared as root and the original Zamindar in the Court of the Madras Estates Abolition Tribunal in the year 1950 and the authoritative pedigree. which was the primary document given under the statutory declaration by the last and third interim representative of the joint family and the Zamindar for time being named Shanmugaraja. The abolition of Estate of Sivaganga  based on the authoritative pedigree given by Shanmugaraja, primary document for abolition and to exhibit the heirships therefore to keep the authoritative pedigree regarding future disputes. 

After the Madras Estates Abolition Tribunal XXVI of 1948, the existing assets and attachments of the feudal joint family life estate tail of the Rajas of Sivaganga undergo hereditary succession in between the five sons in line of heirs by Maharaja named Prince Periasami alias Udayanasami Tevar Avl, Prince Chinnasami alias Muthuvaduganatha Tevar Avl, Prince Sasivarna Tevar Avl, Prince Delipatcha Tevar Avl and Prince Venkatasami Tevar alias Madura Dorai Avl in perpetuity in accordance with the authoritative genealogical pedigree declared in the Court of the Madras Estates Abolition Tribunal in the year 1950, in correlate with the custom of their family operations of warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava.

All the assets and the attachments vested under 1801/1803 sannad under the hereditary feudal real property title of “Raja” awarded to the first Raja of Sivaganga Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Wodayana Tevar as his self-acquired property in perpetuity. Followed by his collateral heirs as his nephew named Raja Muthuvaduganatha Tevar, his son Raja Bhodhagurusami Tevar, his brother Gowrivallaba Tevar and his son Wodaya Tevar alias Bhodhagurusami Tevar. The nephew, grandnephew, great grandnephew of Istimrar Zamindar was called by the lordships as usurpers. Four Rajas after three degrees were called by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as usurpers under the natural law by natural justice and succeeded by the natural daughter of Istimrar Zamindar named Rani Kattama Nachiar.  Rani Kattama Nachiar was the second zamindarini to the Sivaganga Zamindari awarded life Estate. The third Raja of Sivaganga Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar, who established the hereditary feudal real property title of “Raja “after the Istimrar Zamindar and become the second and last full owner to Sivaganga Zamindari. He was second and last full owner and the original Zamindar to the Sivaganga Zamindari called Impartible Estate of Sivaganga. Followed by his three representatives and the Zamindar for time being under the doctrine of representation. The first representative for time being and the manager to the joint family estate of Sivaganga was his elder son named Prince Periasami alias Udayanasami Tevar in line of natural followed by his adopted son as second de facto interim representative and manager S. alias Dorasinga Tevar in line of intermediate by adoption followed by his son named Shanmugaraja as third and last representative for time being and manage to the feudal joint family estate of Maharaja Dorasinga Tevar alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar, the full owner and the original zamindar.

The third Raja of Sivaganga Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar has been legally retaining the hereditary feudal real property title of “Raja" from 1877 to till now, which was awarded to him. In accordance with the final court judicial decision all the assets bought under the court of wards administration from 1898 to 1933 registered on the name of the full owner or the original zamindar Maharaja Sri Mudhu Muthu Vijaya Ragunatha Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar should be treated as his self - acquired property, which was not the part of the Gaddi and divisible between the five natural lines of Maharaja Dorsinga Tevar alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar. In the case of self- acquired property of Maharaja  the zamindar for time being should be treated as one of his great grandson of the original Zamindar the full owner and not his representative or the manager to the feudal joint family. Each succession is abeyance and no Raja can control the hereditary succession. While raja or incumbent or Zamindar for the time being can no way of control the feudal hereditary succession therefore could not dispossess of it by will or alienate it or that had not been conveyed it to his son or to anyone. Even could assume it pass on to his son. Each succession opens to the male members of the joint family after the death of the zamindar for time being. 

Regarding feudal hereditary real property “The word Raja" always pointed to feudal real property title holder of “Raja, Which means the Original Zamindar of Sivaganga, the  real property title holder of "Raja" and not the representative title holder of Raja or the Zamindar for time being.  The representative title of raja is entirely different from the hereditary feudal real property title of “Raja”. Therefore all the cases regarding the real property of the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga always been filed on the name of the original zamindar, the title holder, Who was the full owner under the real property law, established the feudal hereditary real property title  of “Raja”  in accordance with the decision. No cases would not be legally filed on the names of the representatives for the time being, only the income derived from the Estate was his exclusive income therefore the tax filed on his name and not on the name of the Joint family. No coparceners entitled for partition that includes the Zamindar for time being who held in possession in abeyance.  The primary assets vested under feudal hereditary real property title of “Raja “always belongs to title holder who was the full owner who established the feudal hereditary real property title of “Raja by decision or by statute or proclamation. Therefore the full owner was the original zamindar and he was the principle holder and the representative or the zamindar for time beings were co – sharers to the full owner within the meaning of ordinary Hindu law. Either in India or any where a the person with the real property title or a deed will be defined as a owner. No one can access to the court and make a claim just by the principles without the real property title. 

There are three kinds of Impartible Estate class I Primogeniture by statute, class II Primogeniture by custom and class III was by consent. In Class I lineal  (statute ) the son is not a coparcener with his father, though the estate is not a self- acquired property of the Raja for time being and the brothers do have the right of inheritance. In the case of Class II, impartible by custom and Primogeniture by custom should be proven to the court that how long the custom of impartibility and how long the custom of Primogeniture. It is a rule of law that ach custom should be proven to the Court that was constant and unobstructed, In the case of Sivaganga Zamindari only the custom of impartibility had been proven that the Zamindari was impartible by custom about 150 years therefore the lordships called the Sivaganga Zamindari as Impartible Estate of Sivaganga by negatived the partition. But the lordships pointed out that the custom of Primogeniture not applicable to Sivaganga Zamindari though applied because the contest between two maternal grandson in same degree due to the custom of impartiality only one can occupy the Gaddi or chair therefore they applied the ordinary Hindu law and explicated them to proven the custom of lineal Primogeniture by given clarification on the doctrine of representation. A Raja can become a full owner only under the collateral heir succession  under ordinary Hindu law obtain per capita by ejection of other collateral heirs who did not descend from the same paternal common ancestor. 

The classical Hindu law is all about propinquity and spiritual benefit. The doctrine of representation under Mitakshara based on spiritual benefit therefore the blood line succession from the common ancestor to four degrees and the Dayabhaga based on propinquity therefore who ever given funeral cake will take the inheritance therefore the principles of Mitakshara and Dayabhaga should not be confused and family governed by Mitakshara should not be allowed to argue on Dayabhaga. But the Hindu succession Act brought radical changes on Impartible Estates. The Hindu succession Act of 1956 abolished all the classical interpretation except from the common ancestor to four degrees, the basic interpretation that could not be abolished. Sec 4 of the Hindu Succession act abolished the Primogeniture by custom but primogeniture by statute could not be abolished, which can be saved under the Sec 5 ii. The Estate which was Impartible by custom and Primogeniture by custom have been abolished under the Sec 4 and he Gaddi of the Zamindar for time being had cease to have exist, Therefore whatever schemed by the Zamindar for time had put to an end by the Hindu Succession Act of 1956. 


----- Click on the Picture to read about the last crowned King of Sivaganga Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar Avargal, the Noble King who was deliberately hidden by the  illegitimate heirs for their extreme fraudulent acts, how hard been hidden the truth always come out, made us believe, still the goodness exist in this world, long live your Majesty -----


தாய்வழி கிளையினை தகுதியாக கொண்டு மரபு வழி இயங்கும் அழிவற்ற  வடுக வீர ட்ரைபல் செம்மநாடு மறவ பிரிவு (Tribal warrior group constitute with the custom practice of matriarchal preference in blood line of mother’s branch) உடைய பரம்பரைக்குச் சொந்தமான சிவகங்கை மன்னர் முடி அரசு  (Sovereign Kingdom of Sivaganga) மகாராஜா சசிவர்ண பெரிய உடைய தேவர் அவர்களால் ஓரியூர் யுத்த வெற்றியாக ராமநாதபுரம் மன்னர்முடி அரசில் இருந்து பிரிக்கப்பட்டு 1730ல் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.

The History of the Kingdom of Sivaganga

The Sovereign Kingdom of Sivaganga created by Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar Avl, son of Periya Wodaya Tevar Avl, the Poligar Raja of Nalukottai – Warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava – Kingdom of Sivaganga was one of the offshoots of Kingdom of Ramnad deed of Ooriyur battle, division between Maharaja Kattaya Sethupathy Avl and Maharaja Sasivarna Periya Wodaya Tevar Avl into 3/5 and 2/5 as deed of Uraiyur battle. Kingdom was in absolute sway to the end of 1800.

The Sovereign powers were cease to exist at the end of 1800, became escheat of British, modified into Zamindari with the absence of Royal Marava Army under the proclamation of Lord Clive dated the 6th of July 1801 by Sannad Milkeat Istimrar or deed of permanent settlement dated the 22nd of April 1803 .

After 150 years of impartibility custom the lordships of Privy Council called Sivaganga Zamindari as impartible estate of Sivaganga. It is a rule of  law each custom should be proven to court, that was constant and unobstructed .

Impartible estate of Sivaganga comes under class II governed by ordinary primogeniture under the doctrine of representation by the doctrine of preference. To switch from class II to class I the custom of lineal primogeniture should be proven to the court. In the case of Sivaganga, only the custom of impartibility had been proven and not the custom of Primogeniture. From the beginning to end the Sivaganga Zamindari was always a joint family estate with long heritage of undivided joint family said by the lordships of Judicial Committee. In accordance with the decision it belongs to three families first was held by the feudal joint family of Maharaja Sasivarna Tevar Avl extinct of his family members it secondly it was held by the joint family of Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Udayana Tevar Avl extinct of male heirs to Maharaja Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Udayana Tevar his maternal grandson Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar was declared by the final Court of the Judicial Committee as heir to him. Under the ordinary Hindu law he became the full owner to the Sivaganga Zamindari called Impartible Estate of Sivaganga therefore the joint family of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar held the Sivaganga Zamindari in third and finally up to the Madras Estates Abolition of XXVI of 1948.His joint family Estate was abolished in the year 1950 at the time of his last and third interim representative and manager Shanmugaraja in line of adoption. He was last time being and representative of the joint family of Maharaja Dorsinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar Avl. His Gaddi was cease to have exist under the Hindu Succession Act of 1956, Sec 4 and could not be saved under Sec 5 ii. ( The Impartible Estates which was governed by the rule of Primogeniture by statute only can be saved, which was rare in case, the Impartible Estates which was governed by Primogeniture by custom was abolished by the Sec 4 of Hindu Succession Act of 1956. 

The legal positions of the Rajas of Sivaganga in accordance with the decisions of Privy Council and by the decisions of the Madras High Court by Mr. Chief Justice. Sir Thomas Strange and Mr. Justice. Muthusami Ayyar.

List of Rajas to the Kingdom of Sivaganga

Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar Avl, Poligar of Nallukotta, Sovereign king and the creator of the Marava Kingdom called the Kingdom of Sivaganga. The Marva Kingdom of Sivaganga created in the year 1730. He died in the year 1750,  succeeded by his son named Prince Muthu Vijaya Ragunatha  Muthuvaduganatha Tevar Avl by his caste and legal wife Pattam Rani Bodaha Nachiar'.( Maharaja Sasivarna Tevar, Warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava from Maricha branch - 1730 - 1750).  His other wife named Agilandeshwari Nachiar was disqualified by custom of Sembanad Marava, who was the illegitimate daughter of Raja of Ramnad born to his other caste and illegal wife. 

Maharaja Muthu Vijaya Ragunatha Muthuvaduganatha Wodaya Tevar Avl, the hereditary Prince, son of the Sovereign King Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar Avl, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Sitrama branch - 1750 – 1777. Died in Carnatic War against Nawab in the year 1777 along with his 1st wife Gowri Nachiar.

Maharani Velu Nachiar Avl, 2nd  wife of Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Wodaya Tevar Avl, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Maricha  branch, Sovereign Queen of Sivaganga approximately from 1785 the exact date of her death not to anyone. The hereditary Princess Vella Nachiar alias Vellachi Nachiar Avl, the daughter of Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Wodaya Tevar Avl and Rani Velu Nachiar, died leaving behind her infant female daughter, the infant also died, after a while. Princess Vella Nachiar alias Vellachi Nachiar Avl, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, from Maricha branch, married to Peria Vega Wodaya Tevar Avl, Poligar of Chakandi, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, from Sitrama branch.

Raja Peria Venga Wodaya Tevar had married both the daughters of Maruthu brothers. The British called for punitive and exile him to Penang in charges of betrayal to Princess of Nalukottai Vella Nachiar alias Vellachi Nachiar in ally with Maruthu Brothers, .The usurpation of Maruthu Brothers over the Kingdom of Sivaganga put on end by British. Peria Venga Wodaya Tevar and his entire line of his heirs were barred by the lordships of Privy Council that he and his descendants had no right to make claim to the Kingdom of Sivaganga. At the end of lineal heir to Raja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar the Kingdom was escheat of British at the end of 1800. Under the permanent settlement deed of 1801, the Marava Kingdom modified into ordinary Zamindari called Sivaganga Zamindari and succeeded by the collateral heir of Raja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar named  Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Wodayana Tevar. The Marava kingdom of Sivaganga was degraded by British by abolish the Royal Marava Army with the absence of feudal powers 

List of Rajas to the Zamindari of Sivaganga

Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Wodaya Tevar Avl, first Maharaja of Sivaganga Zamindari, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Maricha branch-- 1801 – 1829 (Proclamation of Lord Clive dated the 6th of July 1801 by Sannad Milkeat Istimrar or deed of permanent settlement dated the 22nd of April 1803 by Lord Cornwallis.)Collateral heir of Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar, from the younger line of the Poligar of Padamathur, Younger son of the Poligar of Padamathur Raja Namasivaya Wodaya Tevar Avl, Sitrama branch who was descendant of the son of Sethupathi named Peria Dorai, Maricha branch Raja Wodayana Gowrivallaba Tevar had three sons by his other caste and illegal wife  Maanikaathal disqualified under the immortal custom of Rajas of Sivaganga Tribe of Sembanad Marava. She had three sons named (Muttu Ramalinga Servai (Tevar) - the eldest son of the istimrar zamindar, 2nd son Namashivaaya, 3rd son Ramasami, who were called by the Court as illegitimate. He had a son by Karupaayiyaathal other caste and illegal wife. He was also disqualified under the custom of the Raja's of Sivaganga, warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava. Therefore in all the litigations of Sivaganga, the records of Privy Council and others Maharaja  Gauri Vallabha Tevar alias Udayana Tevar marked as that he was died without male issue. (custom forms dominant feature of civil litigations regarding tribes in succession, the rule of decision shall be custom.) 

Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl, Nephew of Maharaja Wodayana Gowrivallaba Wodaya Tevar Avl, son of Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Sitrama branch, from the elder line of the Poligars of Padamathur, son of elder Prince of Padamathur Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl, elder brother of 1st Maharaja Wodayana Gowrivallaba Wodaya Tevar. His entire line was called by the lordships of Privy Council as Usurpers - 1829 – 1831.

Maharaja Periasami alias Bodhagurusami Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl, son of Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava Maricha branch, from the elder line of Padamathur – His entire line was called by the lordships of Privy Council as Usurpers ---- 1831 – 1841, He had a son named Kottaisami alias Periasami by his other caste women Pechiaathal disqualified under the custom of Rajas of Sivaganga, tribe of Sembanad Marava. 

Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Chinnasami, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Maricha branch, brother of Maharaja Periasami alias Bodhagurusami Woya Wodaya Tevar, from the elder line of Padamathur – His entire line was called by the lordships of Privy Council as Usurpers -- 1841 – 1848. Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar married Pichama Nachiar, the sister of Raja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar, the last full owner to the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga.

Maharaja Udaya Tevar Avl alias Bodhagurusami Tevar Avl, son of Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Chinnasami Avl, from the elder line of Padamathur, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Sitrama branch His entire line was called by the lordships of Privy Council as Usurpers ---- 1848 – 1863. 

After three degrees all four Rajas were called by the lordships of Privy Council as usurpers and ejected from the joint family of Rajas of Sivaganga and legally removed authoritative list of Rajas of Sivaganga not to be legally numbered as Rajas.

Maharani Kattama Nachiar alias kulandapuri Nachiar Avl – Second Rani of Sivaganga Zamindari, the hereditary Princess,  fifth daughter of the first Maharaja of Sivaganga Zamindari Maharaja Wodayana Gowrivallaba Wodaya Tevar Avl, from the younger line of the Poligars of Padamathur, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava,  Sitrama branch - Life Estate 1863 – 1877

List of Rajas to Sivaganga Zamindari as Impartible Estate of Sivaganga

3rd Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl - 1877 – 1883 Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Sitrama branch, last full owner to the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga, the feudal hereditary real property title holder of “Raja”, original Zamindar, from the younger line of Poligar of Nallu Kotta, Younger son of the Poligar of Nallukotta Raja Udayanasami Wodaya Tevar alias Mapilaisami Avl from Maricha branch. His mother was Princess Vella Nachiar Avl, from Sitrama branch, elder daughter of the hereditary Princess and the 1st daughter of first Maharaja of Sivaganga Zamindari Maharaja Udayana Gowrivallaba Wodaya Tevar Avl.

Followed by his three representatives for time being under the doctrine of representation

Raja Periasami alias Udayana Tevar Avl , Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Maricha branch, the last hereditary Prince in line of natural, elder son of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl, 1st representative for time being to the feudal joint family of his father and  full owner Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl under the doctrine of representation  -1883 -1898. He adopted S.Dorasinga Tevar from the natural family of Kulandaisami Tevar, who served in the family of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl as “Kaadhu Kaaval authority,”

1898 – 1934 under Court of Wards due  to the litigations and natural infirmity and the adopted son S. alias Dorasinga Tevar was disqualified under the Court of Wards Act for his mental illness. After the premature death of the natural prince Venkatasami Tevar alias Madura Dorai, S. alias Dorasinga Tevar was put into the possession of the three Taluks of the feudal joint family Estate of Sivaganga that belongs to Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gauri Vallabha Tevar, the last full owner to the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga. 

Raja S.  alias Dorasinga Tevar II Avl – 1934 – 1941, Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava, Sitrama branch, 2nd de facto interim representative for time being to the feudal joint family of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl under the doctrine of representation, non-hereditary Prince in abeyance, natural son of Delipatcha Tevar Avl, Adopted by the1st representative for time being Periasami alias Udayana Tevar from the family of Kulandaisami Tevar Avl.  Kulandaisami Tevar was served in the Sivaganga estate as Kaddhu Kaval authority also an asylum seeker. Gowrivallaba S.  Dorasinga Tevar II was the maternal grandson of Periasami alias Udayana Tevar by his first daughter princess Venga Nachiar. His other caste and illegal wife named Rani from Orrkaud disqualified under the custom of Rajas of Sivaganga, tribe of Sembanad Marava.

The court has allowed the heirs in line of natural under natural justice line to impeach the adoption at any time, when their rights obscured. The litigations were impeded by the premature death occurred in the natural family, not reached out to the final court for final decision. S. Dorasinga Tevar luckily survived in the joint family of Rajas of Sivaganga.  

Raja Shanmuga Avl in line of the de facto non-hereditary Prince Gowrivallaba S.  Dorasinga Tevar II, 3rd and last interim representative for time being to the feudal joint family of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl under the doctrine of representation  from 1946 till abolishment - Warrior Tribe of Royal Sembanad Marava,  Maricha branch died in the year 1963. The Impartible Estate of Sivaganga was abolished under the Madras Estates Abolition Act XXVI of 1948 due to the independence of India. In accordance with the Court of the Madras Estate Abolition Tribunal in 1950, the last full owner and the hereditary feudal real property title holder of “Raja” to the Impartible Estate of Sivaganga was Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl, He was  the fresh root and the original Zamindar by the order of the final Court of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council .The original Zamindar and his sons, grandsons and the great grandsons were co- heir within the meaning of Hindu law and the Madras Estates Abolition Act XXVI of 1948 had created a fiction of ordinary Hindu law mode of stripes to  abolition of Primary assets which was vested under the Sannad of 1803. The sharers would be (as defined in Section 45(3) of the Act) the Original Zamindar, his legitimate sons, grandsons and great grandsons in the male line.

After the abolishment the existing assets under the hereditary feudal real property title of “Raja” undergo hereditary succession between the feudal members in line of five sons by Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl in perpetuity in correlate with the feudal joint family immortal custom of Raja’s of Sivaganga warrior tribe of Sembanad Marava in accordance with the authoritative feudal joint family declared by the time being Shanmugaraja at the Madras Estates Tribunal at Madurai in 1950. The existing hereditary feudal assets are not subject to sold or bought, should not to be divided either by family agreement or by partition observations of the final Court decree of the Privy Council of India.

Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl, the original Zamindar, the last full owner and the hereditary feudal real property title holder of Raja should not be confused with Gowrivallaba S. alias  Dorasinga Tevar , the 2nd interim representative, father of Shanmugaraja. It was a feudal custom of Royal Sembanad Marava to differentiate their names by their first names or by peerage like Periasami, Chinnasami or Udayanasami, Muthusamy. Verbatim on alias name is fraud called fraudulent impersonation. The names should be differentiated least by numbers or by their first or middle or by last name under the rule of differentiation. The first name of the Rajas of Sivaganga is always different though they were carried their ancestors name as their last name. Ex.I, The grandfather was Udayana Gowrivallaba Tevar and his grandsons named Dorasinga Tevar alias Gowrivallaba Tevar. Ex.II, The grandfather was Dorasinga Tevar alias Gowrivallaba Tevar and his grandsons named like Singa Dorai alias Dorasinga Tevar or Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Dorasinga Tevar or Sivagnanasami alias Dorasinga Tevar. Ex.III, The grandfather was Bhodhagurusami Tevar and his grandsons named like Udaya Tevar alias Bhodhagurusami Tevar always their second name or their last name to represent their ancestor and the first name of their own.   

After Shanmugaraja, the feudal joint family of Sivaganga has been fraudulently represented by the heirs in line of "Annia Sthiri" named Mathuramba Amani, who was disqualified under the custom of Rajas of Sivaganga, Tribe of Sembanad Marva and settled by Raja Shanmugaraja Tevar in the year 1945 under the feudal immortal custom of feudal marriages arranged for money called pre- marital settlement or Annia Sthiri settlement.

The “Annia Sthiri" and in line of her heirs were legally ejected from the feudal joint family of Sivaganga under the immoral custom of Raja’s of Sivaganga. The branched out heirs of Shanmugaraja by his “Annia Sthiri” has been disqualified under the immortal custom of Sembanad Marava and ejected from the Sembanad Marva Tribe.

“Annia Sthiri” wife of Raja disqualified as pattam rani and the honorific hereditary title of Nachiar never been rewarded to her. In the history of Sivaganga the “Annia Sthiri” wives of Raja were not the legal wife of Rajas of Sivaganga and ejected from the authoritative pedigree of the Rajas of Sivaganga due to disqualification.

After the death of Shanmugaraja the “Annia Sthiri” Mathuramba Amani and her heirs in line fraudulently maintained to survive in the feudal joint family of Sivaganga  by hidden and half- hidden  by persistent fabrications by perjury, prima facie unfairness, manifest injustice

Karthikeya Venkatachalpathy Avl, son of an Annia Sthiri". Who was illegitimate under the custom of Rajas of Sivaganga. Illegitimate half – Sembanad Marava Prince without a branch.. The illegitimate son of Shanmugaraja by his other caste or illegal was disqualified by the immortal custom of Raja’s of Sivaganga, and branched out from the Warrior tribe of Sembanad Marva by custom.  An usurper, to the Sembanad Marava joint family of Rajas of Sivaganga.  

Mathuranthaki daughter of Karthikeya Venkatachalpathy  born to an other caste women named Aprajita Pangaja Valli. A Sembanad Marava girl never marry her maternal uncle. It is a prohibited relationship under the custom of Sembanad Marava, which was void under the Hindu Marriage 'Act of 1955 fallen under prohibited sapinda degree only if the custom permits. The custom of Sembanad Marava never permit a girl to marry her mother's mother, who belongs to the same branch in bloodline of their mother therefore the girl and her mother and her mother's brother all belongs to the same branch marriage between the same branch was prohibited under the  custom of Sembanad Marava.  And  no rule of Primogeniture applicable to woman. Primogeniture is all about bloodline succession only applicable to the natural heirs in line of evolution therefore the first born will represent the heritage under the doctrine of representation not only a preference but descendible right only to his lineal or natural heir as representative of the joint family  not to the adopted one, the adopted heir can become a representative under the doctrine of preference only at the extinct of lineal heirs to the full owner under the doctrine of Mitakshara, which was contrary to Dayabhaga, where in Dayabhaga, who ever given the funeral cake can represent the family, which was not a safe rule for inheritance. But the doctrine of representation under Mitakshara was blood line succession and safe. The Rajas of Sivaganga family governed by Mitakshara not by Dayabhaga. Adoption is a Hindu law benefit and the custom of Semband Marava never permit adoption. A representative can adopt a son for his (Shradha ) funeral purposes but not to represent the joint family that belongs to full owner or the root. The doctrine of representation applicable to the adopted son only at the extinct of lineal heirs to the full owner in the joint family.  

It is a rule of law that each custom should be proven to the Court. Therefore the custom of lineal Primogeniture should be proven to the court by the genealogical tree from the common ancestor to four degrees as lineal under doctrine of representation. Therefore to start from the common ancestor to four degrees as lineal under the Hindu rule of lineal primogeniture. Lineal primogeniture is to connect the particle of the common ancestor by spiritual link under the doctrine of representation therefore from the common ancestor to great grandsons to be in bloodline of lineal or natural. 

Primogeniture is a custom not a right, the custom should be proven to the court by the family history and the authoritative pedigree that how long the Primogeniture. Before they construed it is very important to observe by the Court whether it can be applied to that particular feudal joint family or not. The custom of impartibility conclude when the family custom of lineal Primogeniture by statute and could not be saved under the Sec 5 ii of the Hindu Succession Act of 1956.If the lineal Primogeniture was by custom then it was abolished by the Hindu Succession Act of 1956 Sec 4., therefore whoever represent the joint family as time being, their chair cease to have exist under the Sec 4 of the Hindu Succession Act of 1956.

Both Gowrivallba S. Dorasinga Tevar and Shanmugaraja were not a clear successors, under the doctrine or representation, survived in the natural family with the lower Court Decree which is in conflict with the final court decree of the Privy Council of India. No rule of lineal Primogeniture applicable to Shanmugaraja, interim representatives for time being to the feudal joint family of Rajas of Sivaganga.

The branches of Warrior Tribe Sembanad Marava:

Khilai or the branches are the bloodstream of Royal Sembanad Marava custom. The khilai is a methodology of regulation, precisely minded also error free custom marriage practice of Sembanad Marva Tribe in blood line of their mother to avoid the contamination by depravity. Each child inherent a branch by virtue of nature. The child born to other caste woman or Annia Sthiri with the absence of branch ejected from the Sembanad Marava Tribe. The children of other caste women by a marava man considered as born out of wedlock. This ancient matriarchal marriage system chiefly aimed to expel the non-preferential heirs or the half Sembanad Marava Prince from the hereditary succession to royalty. A royal custom ban to royalty on the non-preferential heir or half- Sembanad Marava Prince to ascend the throne under the doctrine of preference. A custom based systematic precautionary planning action to protect the domain from disordered and destruction by conserve the family with unbroken discipline and purity.

Matriarchal marriage practice in blood line of mother by her lineage in between the seven branches listed below. The Tribal Sembanad Marava girl never marry her maternal uncle, the brother of her mother consider to be prohibited relationship which come under closest lineal sapinda. Sitrama







The branches of Rajas of Sivaganga, Warrior Tribe of Sembanad Marava:

Maharaja Sasivarna Peria Wodaya Tevar Avl - Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Kotta Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Wodaya Tevar Avl - Sitrama branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Bhodaha Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

Maharani Vellu Nachiar Avl - Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through her mother Muthu Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Princess Vella Nachiar alias Vellachi Nachiar Avl, Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through her mother Rani Vellu Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Raja Peria Venga Wodaya Tevar Avl, Poligar of Chakandi, Warrior - Sitrama branch. (Endowed by birth through her mother Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

Maharaja Wodayana Gowrivallaba Wodaya Tevar Avl, Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Vijaya Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

His father Poligar of Padamathur Raja Namasivaya Wodaya Tevar Avl - Sitrama branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

His elder brother Prince Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl – Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Vijaya Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Maharaja Muthuvaduganatha Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl – Sitrama branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

Maharaja Periasami alias Bodhagurusami Woya Wodaya Tevar Avl – Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Maharaja Gowrivallaba Tevar alias Chinnasami – Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Maharaja Udaya Tevar alias Bodhagurusami Woya Wodaya Tevar (Endowed by birth through his mother Rani Pichama Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama, Rani Pichama Nachiar is the younger sister of Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar )

Maharani Kattama Nachiar alias kulandapuri Nachiar Avl – Sitrama branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Rani Vellu Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama)

Maharaja Dorasinga alias Gowrivallaba Tevar Avl - Sitrama branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Princess Vella Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Sitrama, her mother Rani Rakku Nachiar belongs to the branch of Sitrama, Wife of Raja Gowrivallaba Wodayana Tevar, )

Raja Periasami alias Udayana Tevar Avl – Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Rani Vella Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Raja Gowrivallaba alias Dorasinga Tevar Avl - Sitrama branch

(Endowed by birth through his mother Princess Venga Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

Raja Shanmuga Avl – Maricha branch (Endowed by birth through his mother Rani Ranga Nachiar, who belongs to the branch of Maricha)

End of the Rajas of Sivaganga, Warrior Tribe of Sembanad Marava.


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